All Aboard! SRS go international...

We’re so excited for the take off our our international expansion.

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Free digital assessment centre for overseas universities

To launch our international expansion, we are giving one university in each country the chance to pilot our digital assessment centre, for free!

Our award-winning assessment centre simulations have been delivered to over 30,000 students from 30 UK universities, increasing student confidence levels by as much as 64%. Now, we want to support global student employability by giving more students the opportunity to attend an assessment centre simulation, where they can practise their skills in a safe learning environment.

What’s involved?

At the assessment centre, students will use our bespoke software to connect with professional assessors and take part in a group exercise, presentation, and 1:1 interview. The event accurately reflects the process used by graduate employers, making it an incredibly valuable experience. Students will also receive personalised digital feedback which highlights their strengths and development areas.

As we will organise and facilitate the whole event for you, there’s no need to worry about an extra commitment - all we require is the chance to share your feedback with other universities.

Ready to get on board?

Give your students a ticket to employability success - find out more and apply HERE by Friday 11th September.