We provide smart and effective recruitment services that help employers secure the best talent for their opportunities.

Finding and retaining high calibre talent is a difficult task in today’s market and can be extremely costly. That’s why our mission is to provide the best quality recruitment solutions in the UK. SRS has won several awards and received recognition from some of the UK’s biggest employers.

We can design and implement your entire recruitment process depending on your needs, whether you need help with screening, assessment, onboarding or internal training, our validated and widely recognised work can help.


We’ve screened over 100,000 candidates for employers, here’s what we can do for you:


Assessment centre design

We can design and implement bespoke assessment centre exercises or refresh your existing materials.

This will involve us identifying what ‘excellence’ looks like via a thorough job analysis with subject matter experts to explore the behaviours critical for success in the role. This will be used to inform the design of the exercise content, ensuring a high level of accuracy and realism. Some examples of the types of exercises we can design include interviews, group exercises, role-plays, analysis exercises, presentations, in-tray exercises and project management tasks.  We will design all of the materials and trial the exercises to assess the suitability of the instructions, content, timings, criteria etc. By giving applicants the opportunity to demonstrate these critical behaviours in a live setting, we can be sure we are selecting the right candidates that will perform highly in the role and be a strong match for your organisation.

Assessment centre delivery

We can support you to deliver face-to-face or virtual assessment centres.

We will create a team of professional assessors for your project, taking into account the required skills, experience and location. With nationwide reach, we can minimise travel time and expense and our assessors can assess virtually from a remote location. At SRS, we have our own assessment platform, assess.digital, which can be used for either in-person or virtual assessment centres of any size. It allows us to deliver seamless virtual assessment centres and streamlines processes to give an outstanding candidate, assessor, and admin user experience. Candidates and assessors can access their schedules to ensure they are prepared for each exercise; candidates can be scored and given feedback, and admin users can handle quality assurance and export score/feedback reports to facilitate decision making. As part of the training process, we deliver live workshops, video tutorials and written guides to ensure that users are confident with the system.

Development centres

We can design and deliver a development centre.

This can look very similar and employ many of the same exercises as the assessment centre, where the main outcome is a personalised development plan. These can be used to identify where training and development activities can be targeted in order to be most effective.

Psychometric test design

We can create bespoke situational judgement tests and validate the tool to ensure there are no adverse impacts against specific groups.

Situational Judgement Tests (SJT’s) provide the applicant with hypothetical but realistic scenarios that they are likely to face in the role. They are then required to identify the most and least effective action in that situation. This provides a two-way assessment between the applicant and the organisation. You can assess whether the candidate displays the behaviours required for success in the role and how they would solve real problems. It also provides a realistic job preview for the applicant to assess whether the role is suitable.

Competency framework development

We can design a bespoke competency framework that fits with your organisation’s culture and values. We can also review an existing framework and advise you on any recommended changes.

A competency framework is a fundamental part of business processes, used for all aspects of people management, from supporting recruitment and selection, learning and development, and agreeing and evaluating how employees are performing as part of performance management processes. ​Competency frameworks provide you with a set of behavioural and skills-based expectations against which employees can be compared. A well-designed competency framework should provide very specific descriptors of what the competencies, skills and behaviours look like for your organisation. This provides a frame of reference and common language to provide employees with a shared vision of the expectations and values to work from to drive culture change. If you already have frameworks in place, it’s important to review these regularly against changing demands and ways of working.


We can create or make recommendations to improve your onboarding process.

Graduate applicants may have limited experience in business environments, and therefore a clear onboarding plan is critical to supporting them to settle in and integrate with the team. This should not just involve formal training and an introduction when they join. It should be seamlessly integrated through the selection process and continue through to their first year, supporting them to become motivated, engaged and productive employees. This is often a process that is overlooked. Our methodology incorporates aspects of coaching, and induction training specifically tailored to the role.

Recruitment training

We can train your internal team and managers on a variety of recruitment techniques.

We can provide unconscious bias/assessor training to help your recruitment team learn about the ORCE (Observe, Record, Classify, Evaluate) methodology for fair and objective assessment centre observation. We can implement your own rating scales and values/competency frameworks to ensure the training is tailored and applicable to your recruitment processes. The idea is that assessors leave the training with a clear understanding of objective assessment within your unique context.

Recruitment outsourcing

Working as an extension of your own team we can manage every aspect of your recruitment process.

We offer smart and effective recruitment support services such as application form and CV screening, telephone and video interviewing, and assessment centre support to fulfil your recruitment needs.

Learn more about what we can do to help your recruitment needs