Highlights from Helen

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Industry updates

Through webinars, podcasts, employer catch ups and virtual conferences - Helen, our University Partnerships Manager, has been keeping up to date with the latest innovations, changes and practises in graduate recruitment. This all feeds through into our workshops, webinars and assessment centres where we share and use the most up to date information.

Helen’s highlights

  • Now more than ever, it’s important to reinvest in skills with an increased focus on demonstrating a growth mindset, resilience, learning agility and the ability to leverage change.

  • Going forward, employers might spend less time talking to candidates on campus, but more time listening to them on social. Candidates and recruiters need to have a strong online presence and develop a good narrative that differentiates themselves from others.

  • Interactions need to be more meaningful where we support students by not just giving them knowledge, but showing them how to learn, analyse and evaluate this knowledge.

  • There needs to be greater connectivity and collaboration between schools, universities and employers. There are some great examples of this, where students have access to work-based learning opportunities that increase in authenticity and scope as they progress through their degree.

Don’t let a good crisis pass you by

We'll leave you with a final thought that resonated with Helen: ‘don’t let a good crisis pass you by’. So many universities have turned this challenge into an opportunity to rethink how they embed employability into the curriculum. Please contact us for a chat or further information on embedding employability into the curriculum. 

Follow Helen on twitter @SRS_Helen and connect on LinkedIn for more highlights!